all (members of) family
all (members of) family
all the members of one's family
: 家内中{かない じゅう}
want nothing but happiness for all family members
: 家族{かぞく}の幸福以外何{こうふく いがい なに}も欲しくない
family members
: family members 家族達 かぞくたち
members of a family
: members of a family 家族 かぞく
members of the family
: members of the family 内輪同志 うちわどうし
energetically visit places all around the nation as one of members of the imperial family
: 皇族{こうぞく}の一人{ひとり}として精力的{せいりょくてき}に全国各地{ぜんこく かくち}を訪問{ほうもん}する
all members
: all members 総勢 そうぜい
all the members
: all the members 総員 そういん
bereaved family members
: 後に残された家族{かぞく}
care for family members
: 家族{かぞく}の面倒{めんどう}を見る
caretaker of older family members
: 家庭内{かてい ない}における高齢者{こうれいしゃ}の世話役{せわやく}
considerate of other family members
: 《be ~》家族{かぞく}に対する理解{りかい}[思いやり]がある
deceased family members
: 遺族{いぞく}
grieving family members
: 悲しみに暮れる家族{かぞく}のメンバー
locate missing family members
: 音信不通{おんしん ふつう}の家族{かぞく}の居場所{いばしょ}を探す
"alkynyl" 意味
"alkynyl group" 意味
"alkynylene" 意味
"all" 意味
"all (is) for the best" 意味
"all (of you)" 意味
"all (one has)" 意味
"all (present)" 意味
"all (the) trustworthy accounts agree on this point" 意味
"all" 意味
"all (is) for the best" 意味
"all (of you)" 意味
"all (one has)" 意味
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